Monday, June 21, 2010


有一首歌让我听了又听, 在这儿想与各位分享"心墙"

一个人 眺望碧海和蓝天
好时光都该被宝贝 因为有限

丰富地过每一天 快乐地看每一天









~ Last Week in Perth ~

Since the time when I came back to Perth from M'sia,
I've been sending many friends to airport, watching them walking into the departure hall,
I've only met them for one year or maybe shorter, but it feels like few years,
Every time when I was at the airport, no matter it's departure or arrival hall,
The atmosphere is filled with mixed feelings, it can be sad or joy.

28th of May, I found out a shocking news from my housemate.
A female friend of mine, ChiahHui is leaving for good!?
I was like " What!? " "Are you serious??"
It became a mixed feeling night, that day was also the last cell for this semester.

30th of May, which is a Sunday, after the church service,
as usual I went out for lunch with my cell members,
then I received a SMS from Jacklyn, asking if i'm interested a trip to Cottesloe Beach,
I was wondering should I go for the beach or I should go for volleyball,
Till I got home from lunch, I asked my housemates, Daniel,
if he wants to go to the beach, and he replied :
" ChiahHui wanted to go, but I don't have a transport."

Then the word "Go" struck into my mind, 
I haven't been really hanging out with this friend for much,
And she didn't really go for any beaches in Perth.
So, I borrowed car from my sister, and drive them to the beach.
I can see that she really enjoyed her time at the beach,
And other places we went that night as well.
We've taken lots of pictures that night, really enjoying it.
All the funs will be a great memory in my life.

* sunset at Cottesloe Beach*

*left to right*
* I-Yin, ChiahHui, Me, n Joel*


* Joel *

* Sebastian's Menu *

* Chiah Hui *

* That's Me *

* I-Yin *

* Angel VS Demon XD *